Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth Come let Rajasthali Weddings plan your special day with proper planning and endeavor. Spectacular venue and lavish theme of heavenly proportion in a majestic settings. Mouthwatering, superb and delicious cuisine. What ever your needs we may be able to accommodate.

For us it’s not a profession but a passion to create difference…


Rajasthali’s culture is that each wedding celebration must be unique and utterly distinctive. You may have a traditional or contemporary approach. Before our team plan your wedding, we will want to get to know you -your character, your likes, your dislikes, your style and taste, and even your quirks; in essence a true Wedding Consultant approach essential to achieving the perfect working relationship. The final result –an occasion that will surpass everything you ever dared dream of. A day that will embody style and elegance -a celebration so sensational that it will never be forgotten by you or your guests.